Sunday, February 21, 2010 - Make Money Online, Photoshop Tutorials, WebMaster Resources, and Personal Insight on the Internet World.

Hey Guys, although I've been in the web design community as well as the affiliate marketing community since 2006, this is truly the first blog post i've been serious about. I'vealways worked pretty incognito with photoshop tutorials and internet marketing, but I decided I really want to make a blog and write some good tutorials. Here's my plan:

1. Write Cool Tutorials.
Over the years you pick up on all sorts of tricks and tips that make your life as a web master easier. I'll try to put some of my "golden" tips up on here.

2. Bring Together the Best Resources and Products
In the affiliate and internet marketing world especially, its hard to sift through the garbage and find truly worth while resources that are worth your money or even free. I also like to create things for webmasters to use as well so look forward to textures, photoshop brushes, web templates, affiliate turnkey sites, articles, and lots more!

3. Have Some Fun.
I swear some tutorials I read are so boring it takes all the fun out of learning a new design or a Make Money Online (MMO) scheme. Although it's hard, i'll do my best not to write in a droning voice.

So there's my goals. I'll get the posts comin sooon!

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